Publications and Reports

Publications and reports available for review and use.

Indigenous–CER Leadership Meetings – Engagement Summary Report
Annual Report under the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act
The Canada Energy Regulator and ESG
Canada Energy Regulator’s Annual Report of activities under the Northwest Territories Oil and Gas Operations Act
Submissions to Standing Committee
Pipeline Damage Prevention Regulations – What you need to know
Living and Working Near Pipelines – brochure
Participating in a CER Hearing – brochure
The CER, Energy Projects, and Indigenous Peoples – brochure
The CER, Energy Projects and You – brochure
Access to Information Act (reports pursuant to)
Administrative Monetary Penalties: Information for Landowners
Administrative Monetary Penalties Process Guide
Annual Reports
Assessment of Discovered Conventional Petroleum Resources in the Northwest Territories and Beaufort Sea
Auditor's Reports and CER Financial Statements
Canada’s Energy Future – Energy Supply and Demand Projections – An Energy Market Assessment
Canadian Energy Overview – Energy Briefing Note
Canadian Pipeline Transportation System – Energy Market Assessment
Completed Access to Information Requests
Construction Near Pipelines
Departmental Plans
Departmental Results Reports
Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy
Electricity Filing Manual
Electricity Trade Summary
Employment Equity Reports
Fees Reports
Filing Manual
Filing Requirements for Offshore Drilling in the Canadian Arctic
Filing Requirements for Onshore Drilling Operations Involving Hydraulic Fracturing
Financial Regulatory Audit Reports
Hearing Process Handbook
Land Matters Guide
NEB Performance Summary
Participant Funding Program Guide
Pipeline Services Survey Results
Privacy Act (reports pursuant to)
Privacy Impact Assessment Summaries
Propane Market Review – Final Report to the Minister of Natural Resources and the Minister of Industry
Protecting Canada – Protecting You
Quarterly Financial Reports
Remediation Process Guide
Report on Best Available Technology
Responding to Emergencies
Review of Offshore Drilling in the Canadian Arctic
Short-term Canadian Natural Gas Deliverability – Energy Market Assessment
Studying and Sampling Well Materials from Frontier Wells
Ultimate Potential for Unconventional Petroleum from the Montney Formation of British Columbia and Alberta – Energy Briefing Note

ARCHIVED – Publications and Reports

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