Filing Manual – Guide T – Leave to Open (CER Act section 213)

Table of Contents

  1. Goal
  2. Filing Requirements
  3. Guidance

In accordance with the CER Act, a company requires permission from the Commission before opening a pipeline or a section of pipeline for the transmission of hydrocarbons or any other commodity.

The Commission may grant leave under section 213 of the CER Act if satisfied that the pipeline can be safely opened for transmission.

Additional information...

Pursuant to section 214 of the CER Act, the Commission may make orders exempting certain facilities from the provisions of section 213.

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An application for leave to open will include information detailing the facilities for which leave is being sought as well as certain test information.

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Filing Requirements

1. For leave to open applications for line pipe or a section of line pipe (including new piping for storage tanks), provide:

  • the Commission certificate or order number under which the work was carried out;
  • a list of standards, specifications and procedures to and under which the facilities were designed, constructed and tested;
  • a description of the pressure-tested facilities including:
    • the MOP;
    • the location;
    • the piping specifications, including the pipe manufacturer;
    • a schematic of the pressure-tested facilities; and
    • where applicable, the elevation profile of the test section, including the high, low and test point elevations;
  • a summary of continuous pressure and temperature readings over the test period, including:
    • the date of the test;
    • the test medium; and
    • the minimum and maximum allowable test pressures (where applicable, reconcile any significant pressure deviations);
  • a summary of all piping, welds, and valves not subjected to a pressure test following installation (e.g., pre-tested pipe and assemblies) with justification for not pressure testing following installation;
  • a statement that all control and safety devices were or will be inspected and tested for functionality;
  • confirmation that all field joints were non-destructively examined;
  • confirmation that any permits required for the use and disposal of water were obtained;
  • test equipment calibration certificates;
  • confirmation that pressure testing was performed under the direct supervision of a company representative;
  • all logs, test charts and other test records, signed and dated by the company representative;
  • confirmation that the test pressure did not fall below 97.5 percent of the minimum strength test pressure; and
  • details regarding any unsuccessful pressure tests, including the cause of the test failure.

2. For a leave to open application for a tank, provide:

  • the Commission certificate or order under which the work was carried out;
  • a list of standards, specifications and procedures to and under which the facilities were designed, constructed and tested;
  • a statement confirming that post-weld vacuum tests were conducted and deemed acceptable;
  • a statement that hydrostatic testing was completed and found acceptable;
  • a confirmation of the water source and a copy of any permits required for the use and disposal of water, if applicable;
  • a statement confirming that the fire protection facilities were constructed and tested in accordance with CSA Z662;
  • a statement confirming that the containment area or system was built to meet the requirements of CSA Z662;
  • a statement confirming that non-destructive examination of the welds was conducted and found to be acceptable; and
  • a statement that all control and safety devices (e.g., overflow alarms) have been inspected and tested for functionality.
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Section AA.1 in Guide AA outlines when the CER expects leave to open applications and pressure testing programs to be filed.

It is recommended that the application contain a signed statement from a professional engineer, indicating the application has been assessed and reviewed.

Next Steps...

File the completed application. Applicants are encouraged to include the completed relevant checklists from Appendix 1.

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